Beyond Aesthetics: Why brand refresh is a soul search, not just a facelift

Alejandra Romero - 13 September 2024 - 6 min read

Beyond Aesthetics: Why brand refresh is a soul search, not just a facelift

Beyond Aesthetics: Why brand refresh is a soul search, not just a facelift

Reading time: 6 mins

There have been plenty of times I've walked into a room (or these days, joined a video call) for a brand refresh briefing and felt the palpable mix of excitement and trepidation in the air.

There's always that hint of "We've been successful doing what we're doing, so why change?" mixed with "We know times are changing, and we need to adapt." It's a delicate dance, this process of reimagining a brand. And it's far more than just picking a new colour palette or a tagline that “will cut through the noise”.

Revisiting your brand can feel a bit like revisiting your online dating profile from a wilder time – full of cringe bios and questionable photo choices. Is this logo still, well, presentable? Do these colours even reflect who we are anymore?

The pressure to change and update your branding can be paralysing, especially when it feels like everyone's out there with a perfectly curated Instagram feed and a million followers, or going viral on TikTok. But here's a thought to consider: what if a brand refresh isn't about chasing trends or aesthetics, and hoping for the best? What if it's a journey of self-discovery, a delicate dance that unearths the authentic brand beneath the surface?

Give your eyes a break without missing out.

When do we need a brand refresh? And why?

The need for a brand refresh often creeps in subtly. Perhaps your marketing materials start to feel stale, failing to resonate with your audience. Maybe your social media engagement is spiralling down, or a competitor emerges with a more modern message. These are all signs that it's time to take a deeper look.

But the most important prompt for a refresh is a sense of disconnect – a feeling that your brand identity no longer reflects who you truly are. Maybe your once-edgy startup has matured into an industry leader, or perhaps your traditional company needs to appeal to a younger, digital-savvy demographic.

A brand refresh becomes necessary when there's a gap between who you are and how you're perceived. It's the art of staying relevant without losing your essence. It's an opportunity to reassess your values, realign your messaging, and reconnect with your audience on a deeper level.

It's a chance to say, "We've grown, and our brand should too."

Beyond Aesthetics: Why brand refresh is a soul search, not just a facelift

What makes a great brand?

Great brands are like great novels - they draw you in, make you feel something, and leave a lasting impression. At their core, they have a compelling narrative. It's not just about what they sell, but the story they're telling. Everyone loves a good story - what's yours?

But a narrative alone isn't enough to keep you coming back for more. Strong beliefs are what makes great brands stand out. They stand for something bigger than themselves, whether it's protecting the planet, pushing boundaries, or sparking creativity.

These beliefs are their guiding light, informing every decision they make, from the products they build to how they treat their customers and employees.

Can you articulate what you stand for in a way that resonates and inspires?

Clear messaging is another ingredient of great brands. If you can't explain your brand in a sentence, how can you expect your customers to understand and remember you?

Consistency across all platforms ensures that whether someone encounters you on Instagram, in a store, or through a newsletter, they're getting the same brand experience. Finally, a distinctive visual language helps you stand out in a crowded market. It's not about being the loudest, but about being uniquely you.

Beyond Likes and Followers

Social media has changed the script, and the way we use it is constantly evolving. Brands need to be chameleons, adapting to these ever-shifting landscapes. Forget throwing money at likes and followers – success now relies on understanding your cultural niche, adding value to the conversation, and fostering genuine connections. Today's audiences are looking for authenticity; they want to be seen as individuals, not faceless demographics.

This new reality informs every aspect of a brand refresh. Consider how your brand will breathe life across platforms – how your visual identity translates from the aesthetic of Instagram to the fast-paced energy of TikTok, and the professional aura of LinkedIn. How can you create opportunities for user-generated content that not only showcases your products but also aligns with your brand's core values? Think beyond transactions – how can you nurture a thriving community where people connect and feel a sense of belonging?

Metrics need to evolve too. Yes, ROI is important, but so is engagement and the strength of your community. A successful refresh isn't just a visual makeover; it's a reimagining of how you interact with and empower your audience across every touchpoint.

You're refreshing a relationship. You're inviting your audience to become co-creators of your brand story. So, the key questions become: How can we design not just for them, but with them? How can we create a brand that doesn't just speak to them, but speaks through them?


Finding Your Soul: When All the Pieces Fit

Here's where the magic happens. When your narrative, beliefs, messaging, voice, and look all align – that's when you've found your brand's soul. It's that ineffable quality that makes people say, "This isn't just a product/service, it's a part of who I am."

It's Nike's "Just Do It" philosophy that inspires athletes and beginners alike. It's Patagonia's unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability. It's Apple's promise of sleek, user-friendly innovation. In the end, a brand refresh is more than just a cosmetic touch-up; it's a soul-searching journey.

It's about rediscovering who you are and who you want to be, about creating a brand that doesn't just sell products, but moves people.

Because a brand is no longer defined by what it tells customers – it's the story customers tell each other.

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