Brewin Dolphin

Bringing internal communication materials to life with engaging animations and inspirational artwork.


Brewin Dolphin is a leading wealth management company. As a business with offices spread across the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands, it relies on a solid internal communications strategy. Brewin Dolphin therefore turned to Rhapsody to make its information-heavy Business Continuity Plans more interesting.


Our idea was simple but impactful: why not use animations to clearly demonstrate relevant procedures to Brewin Dolphin’s employees? We undertook the scripting, storyboarding, visualisation and development of three short videos, as well as coordinating the voiceover. In order to ensure that the animations were in line with the Brewin Dolphin brand identity, we adhered closely to brand guidelines.


Rhapsody agency worked on all aspects of the project, providing a range of services spanning conceptual design, video production, artwork, illustration, photography and videography. By using storytelling, we were able to deliver compelling, dynamic videos. This marked a new direction for Brewin Dolphin and it paid off: to date these videos remain its most watched safety promotion.

Full-width media displaying Brewin Dolphin case study, portraying financial expertise and investment insights.

Following this, the client asked us to work on its annual Brewin Dolphin Awards which champion its most talented employees. We were tasked with producing inspirational posters that featured the award winners as a way of showcasing their skills and celebrating their efforts. We organised a photoshoot with the relevant staff members and created more than 12 dynamic typographical posters.

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We didn’t just produce two originals of each poster. We also produced a series of smaller versions that were displayed in Brewin Dolphin’s offices to highlight the quality of relationships the company wanted to foster. The artwork was also displayed in an end-of-year show for clients and staff. By helping Brewin Dolphin to adopt a more creative approach, we gave our client the means to successfully deepen its relationships with clients and enhance staff engagement.

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